Masterclass 5 days of Italian and vegetarian cooking.

Masterclass online

Masterclass Italian and vegetarian cooking

17 to 21 May

Traditional and circular cuisine.

When you can’t travel to Italy, but still want to experience Italian cuisine. This is the ideal week for you!

Do you also have the travel jitters but you don’t dare to travel yet? Do you miss Italy Would you like to walk through Italy right now and participate in a masterclass in Italian cooking? Want to smell, feel and taste the beautiful fresh products. Want to experience Italy culinary? But you can or do not (yet) dare to travel to Italy? Then I have good news, it is still possible to experience this culinary journey. Join us on an online cooking experience where you can cook together with Fabiana and others from your own kitchen. Where you will hear the best stories about the history and anecdotes of the recipes. Where we introduce you to the traditional and circular cuisine of the Alta Tuscia in Northern Lazio, 115 km from metropolis Rome.

Would you like to learn how to make the most beautiful dishes at home from your own kitchen? Then join our cooking week.

Cooking is about looking, feeling, hearing, smelling, tasting and above all enjoying the Italian scents, flavors and colors. The pleasure of cooking online together.
Italians are real bon vivants. They know how to live life like no other.
Allow yourself this cooking week. Delicious from your own kitchen. Surrounded from a distance by people who, just like you, have a passion for cooking.

A culinary week where traditional recipes are alternated with fantastic own recipes from the circular kitchen of Fabiana Eramo. A journey of discovery for passionate gourmets and bon vivants with a passion for cooking.

We, Mariët Bloemendal from Volg de Rode Schoentjes and Fabiana Eramo chef at her own home restaurant La Casa di Effe have made a nice online program. We are going to discover the traditional cuisine of the Alta Tuscia for two cooking days and two days on a voyage of discovery through the circular kitchen. Circular cooking means using the whole product; from kernel to peel. Central is respect for the environment, animals and the lifecycle of food, without waste.
Fabiana’s creativity can be felt in her own kitchen and is reflected in her dishes. Everything with a creative sauce, her dishes are art. It is bound to be special!

The “Truffle hunt” during this week with Federico Spadoni and his truffle dog Arco.

What are we going to do this week .

Day 1. Sunday Welcome
Welcome online in Bolsena at 4 p.m. We will get to know each other on our virtual terrace and briefly go through the program. Of course we drink a delicious wine from Bolsena.

Day 2 – cooking course “Cucina tradizionale”
Frittelle di cicoria di campo e pasta lievitata fritta.
Pancake of field chicory and baked leavened dough.
Tagliatelle fatte in casa, con le nostre uova di gallina, al pesto di basilico e pomodorini freschi.
Homemade tagliatelle with basil pesto and fresh cherry tomatoes.
Polpette di pane al sugo tradizionali.
Traditional bread balls with sauce.
Ravioli dolci con i ceci “ceciaroli”
Sweet ravioli with chickpeas

Day 3 – cooking course “Cucina tradizionale”
Frittatina a trippa
Vegetarian fried tripe.
“Lombrichelli” al sugo di tarlo.
Lombrichelli is a somewhat thicker pasta with grandmother’s sauce.
“Scafata” di verdure
Traditional vegetable dish with fava (beans) and various seasonal vegetables.
Giuncata fatta in Casa con miele locale.
Faremo un formaggio fresco
Home made “Giuncata” with local honey.

Day 4 – Search for truffles
Online truffle hunting with Federico

Day 5 – Cooking course “Circular kitchen in Tuscia”
Torretta di patate cuore blu, tuorlo d’uovo fritto, crema di caprino az. Sensi, buccia fritta di patata.
Potato tower of the local potato with fried egg yolk, cream of goat cheese az. Sensi and baked potato peel.
Gnocchi di patate alle erbe, Tartufo dei Monti Cimini, croccante di cialda al reggiano e terra di caffè.
Potato gnocchi with herbs, Monti Cimini truffle, crunchy waffles and ground coffee.
Bauletto di Verza farcito con patate locali cuore rosso e olive. Su acqua di pomodoro al basilico.
Savoy cabbage filled with local potatoes and olives. In basil tomato water.
Semifreddo all’olio Evo Az. “Costa del pedone” with crema di limoni bio e pistacchi pralinati.
Semifreddo with oil from Evo Oil Az. “Costa del pedone” on a cream of organic lemons and pistachio praline.

Day 6 – Cooking course “Circular kitchen in Tuscia”
Flan di melanzane, su salsa di burrata locale, basilico liquido e chips di buccia.
Eggplant flan with burrata sauce, liquid basil and flake chips.
Tortellone di ricotta e spinaci cuore liquido, al burro salato, vino, salvia, e nocciole tostate.
Tortelloni with spinach and a molten ricotta core, with salted butter, wine, sage and roasted hazelnuts.
Terrina di pane al caffè autoprodotto, patè di melanzane, con pera al vino rosso.
Terrine of home-produced coffee bread, aubergine pie, with pear in red wine.
Bicchierino di zuppa inglese con spugna all’archemes e limone liquido.
Zuppa inglese with limoncello

Prijs € 550, -


4 online cooking workshops Truffle hunting and recipe for making a pasta with truffles. Online welcome and goodbye. Will be delivered to your home: 6 wines from Bolsena for the welcome and farewell moment. Antipasti assortment for the last day.

Goed om te weten:

The online masterclass is in Dutch, Italian and English You have a good internet connection and ZOOM The week is for a maximum of 12 participants. You can ask and respond online questions during the workshop. After payment you will immediately receive confirmation of participation and the general terms and conditions. You will receive the link for the Zoom two days in advance. The shopping list at least 1 week in advance.

Wil je optimaal genieten van deze masterclass?

Then take a week's holiday in your own home. Provide a nice place where you can cook undisturbed. Where you have a good internet connection. Install the Zoom app The online days will be between 3 to 5 to 6 hours. There is both a morning and an afternoon program.

Ciao ik ben Mariët Bloemendal de creatieve duizendpoot en gepassioneerde Italië expert van “Volg de Rode Schoentjes”.

“Volg de Rode Schoentjes” heeft zich gespecialiseerd in bijzondere beleef en ontdek vakanties in midden Italië. Ver weg van massatoerisme ontzorg, organiseer en creëer ik een basis waarin jij een echte Italiaanse vakantie gaat ontdekken en beleven. Correspondent “de Wereld” BNNVARA op NPO1.
Winnaar van de Benelux Enterprise Award Best Specialist Italian Holiday agent 2020.

Best Specialist Italian Holiday Agent 2020 Benelux Enterprise Award Volg de Rode schoentjes.
Nieuwsgierig geworden met wie je op vakantie gaat? Ik stel me graag aan je voor.

Mariët Bloemendal

Vega Italia E-book

8 driegangen menu`s uit de traditionele Italiaanse keuken met een vega twist

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