General terms and conditions multi-day online masterclass Follow the Rode Schoentjes

It’s great that you are participating in one of the masterclasses of Volg de Rode Schoentjes.

These are the conditions.

Article 1. Applicability
These conditions apply to all multi-day online masterclasses and you as a participant / star / client.

Article 2. Creation
The agreement between Volg de Rode schoentjes and client / participant is established by:
Registration and filling in the digital registration form

Article 3. Cancellation
Due to high expenses and costs for the professional teachers, Volg de Rode Schoentjes cannot refund cancellation costs from 4 weeks before the start of the online masterclass.
From the moment of registration until 4 weeks before the start of the masterclass 50% of the masterclass costs.
If he is unable to attend, a replacement may always take the place of the registered participant / client. The client must notify Volg de rode Schoentjes in writing in advance.

3.2 Cancellation by Volg de Rode Schoentjes.
Follow the Rode Schoentjes can cancel the masterclass if there are insufficient participants. In the event of illness or death of the owner or teacher. The client / participant will then receive the already paid course fee back.

Article 4. Copyright
The copyright on the website and masterclass online lies with Volg de Rode Schoentjes unless this copyright has been transferred by means of a license form. Without the express permission of Volg de Rode schoentjes, the client / participant may not publish or multiply in any way whatsoever data, in whole or in part, or extracts thereof.

Article 5. Applicable law and competent court
Dutch law applies to all services, activities, general terms and conditions and disputes arising from the agreement concluded between Volg de Rode schoentjes and the client / participant.

One-day masterclass
No money back for all one-day masterclasses, but a voucher to participate with the next option. In addition, it is possible to transfer the masterclass to a further person in consultation.

February 24, 2021

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